+44 (0) 1475 648 212 sales@on-sitescanning.co.uk

On-site Scanning Accessibility Statement

Please see below the official On-site Scanning Accessibillity statement which sets out the our approach to best practice accessibilty standards.

We have detailed in the information below aspects we felt were most relevant and important to ensure best practice accessibility standards were met. However, if you do have any feedback, questions, or have found an error please contact us via sales@on-sitescanning.co.uk

Standards compliance

All pages on this site aim to validate as XHTML 1.0 Transitional. You can check the pages conform to the document type used by using a validation program which will tell you whether a page is valid XHTML. On-site Scanning uses a common sense approach wherever possible to web standards and you may find there are still elements we have purposely used that will make certain pages fail validation.


We have built this website using current web standards and believe that all website information should be accessible to viewers regardless of the browser being used. We work on the principle of supporting standards-compliant browsers as a priority and then progressively enhancing information delivery to all browsers.

Key browsers supported include – Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and IE v6, v7 & v8.


The site uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout and visual formatting (with rare exception for certain components of some pages). If your browser does not support CSS or your wish to turn it off then all pages are still easily readable and actionable. All fonts are scalable – most browsers provide a means to specify default base text-size.

The site is of fixed width design – this was decided upon to improve the readability of the contents given the 3 column design. The site requires no horizontal scrolling for the most popular screen resolutions and window sizes (1024×768 or greater)

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Find Us

On-Site Scanning
Units 3
Faulds Park,
Faulds Park Road,
PA19 1FB
Tel: 01475 648212
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